Fintesa simplifies the buying process

Commercial Energy
We believe every client is different and requires a unique approach, which is why our mission is to help people invest in a manner that is easy, secure, and well informed. We have an unbiased approach to your financial situation and place great value in the quality of our relationship. All we ask for initially is a chance to compete. Our platform will provide access to a wide selection of products and services so you can make smart decisions that has a high probability of helping you achieve your goals, your vision, and your financial security.
Small Business Energy
We recommend fixed rate plans with options to renegotiate the contract prior to the maturity date. From start-ups to established businesses, the Fintesa model will help price protect your organization with a contract that protects you from price hikes and provides the security you need to relax and grow your business. We also provide proficient account management that helps you monitor the market without effort.
Large Commercial Energy
Our clients in this segment have all yielding millions of dollars in savings with the rates and products that we are able to secure. We utilize strategies to mitigate excessive usage, monitor your energy profile, and incorporate technology to manage the necessary usage. Our primary objective will always be to save energy and money.
Solar Energy
We have developed bundles for every segment in the industries that we serve. At this time, solar energy is your only way to own your energy. We develop customized plans that guarantee the levels of energy production, guarantee both usage credits and tax breaks, and guarantee functionality. It is our goal to remain in the forefront of the energy sector, and solar is it!
Mid-Market Energy
Just like small business trends, the mid-market sector can take advantage of our programs to enhance budget certainty, manage actual usage, and utilize technology to be more energy efficient. Our account management will educate you on procuring energy, will monitor market conditions, and will provide sound products that will yield higher returns on your energy investments.
Energy Management
Our Energy Management program has proven to hit the three primary categories of structured energy: 1. Secure the best rates in the market; 2. Reduce Usage via technology; and 3. Shave Demand. Our ability to develop customized plans for your business affords us the opportunity to optimize energy utilization, make your business more efficient, thereby increase your returns.
We are not only authorized dealers of Generac, we can also provide generators for all levels of energy production required to power anything you desire. From your home to an industrial facility, we are one of the best outfits you can find that will help you every step of the way. Back up power is becoming a necessity, and if you solar you must have a generator.

Small Commercial
Recommended to customers who ...
> Use energy consistently
> Wants budgetary certainty
> Intends on saving money
> Wants a flexible contract
> Desires protections from price hikes

Large Commercial
Recommended to customers who ...
- Use energy consistently
- Wants budgetary certainty
- Intends on saving money
- Wants a flexible contract
- Desires protections from price hikes

Block Products
Recommended to customers who ...
- Use energy consistently
- Wants budgetary certainty
- Intends on saving money
- Wants a flexible contract
- Desires protections from price hikes

Renewables & Demand Shaving
Recommended to customers who ...
- Use energy consistently
- Wants budgetary certainty
- Intends on saving money
- Wants a flexible contract
- Desires protections from price hikes

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You not only deserve to live with ease and peace, you deserve the best price! Get started today.